Obedience, PTSD and Service Dog Training

Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans Inc.

Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans Inc. 501 (c)(3) is a non-profit located near Philipsburg, Montana. Pamela Braach is a certified trainer.

We offer pups and service dog and training free to qualifying Veterans in the SW Montana area.

Thank you to our sponsors!

Braach Shepherds 4 veterans

Who We Are

We offer obediance and Emotional Support Therapy training for PTSD & Service dogs. Our focus is finding the right match between qualifying Veterans and a pup that has the temperament for service.

We donated our first pup to a wounded veteran after hearing he had waited 3 years for a dog to assist him. This began our vision to create this program. We wanted to bridge that gap of waiting for a dog. We had puppies and Veterans needed service dogs. Pamela began researching PTSD and obtaining training certification.

We have started a program to continue to donate as many dogs along with the proper training each year that we can sustain to meet the needs of disabled veterans and disabled persons. Our dogs and training service is free to qualified Veterans to honor their service and help mitigate the effects of PTSD.

Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans Wins National AARP Create the Good Contest

Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans took 1st Place in the 2019 AARP Honoring Heroes Contest. They were selected from 1,200 nominees nationwide and were awarded $5,000. 

The AARP Create the Good Honoring Heroes Contest, which ran from November 11 to December 31, 2019, honored exceptional veterans, and the nonprofit organizations that serve them, by shining a spotlight on their stories. The general public narrowed down the nominees to 10 finalists with the final selection made by a panel of AARP volunteer judges.

Our Veterans

Past Recipients

Depression can be debilitating, so God introduced me to Pamela Braach of Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans.I can’t say enough to her for finding the perfect dog for my needs. “Thunder” my 1 year old black shepherd calms my mind and soul. When there are times I just want to lay down for good, she gives me that little lick on my face. That beautiful whine to get me up and out of that dark place. She is the light of my life, my energy stick to motivate me. I am so grateful to the Braach’s program for finding the perfect family member for me. You literally saved my life. Thank you can never be said enough.

— Ed

Two years ago, my life revolved around when my next medical appointment was and how would I be able to get through the pain and mental anguish from one day to the next. It consumed me. I thought of nothing else. Last year, Pam and Mike Braach from Braach Shepherds for Veterans trusted me with the biggest gift of my life, my Service Dog VALOR. I never saw myself as having a Service Dog but now I couldn’t imagine not having one. I almost talked myself out of having him, “can’t afford a dog like him” I said numerous times. I was told I didn’t need to, it was through Braach Shepherds and their sponsors that made it possible. Now my thoughts are more like “How can I be a better father” and “What can I do today that would make the bond VALOR and I have stronger”. I’m consumed with the constant thought of visiting the dog park and making new friends. On behalf of my entire family, especially my therapist, THANK YOU Pam and Mike for your dedication to our wounded veteran community. Branden

I began looking for help with my Blue Heeler, Maggie, when she was 3 months old. As a Veteran I was drawn to Pam because of the dedication she shows to veterans. Pam has been working with Maggie and I for over a year now. She has taken the time to research different techniques that work well with Blue Heelers and we’ve had great results. I believe I have learned as much as Maggie and I had alot of fundoing it. Pam uses one of her dogs or a Service Dog she is training during our lessons and it’s made a big difference. Maggie interacts with other people and dogs. Pam has always been very accomadating when it comes to rescheduling sessions if I am not able to meet with her. The fees are very reasonable and knowing part of it goes to helping train a Veteran’s Service Dog is very gratifying.

I am a disabled veteran of the Iraq war, and was introduced to Pam through the VA. Pam wanted to donate a German Shepherd as a service animal, and she chose me, to which I am extremely grateful. Pam knew which puppy would be the best fit, and she began the training before I was matched with her. Pam did an amazing job. Dixie is very intelligent, caring and loyal. She absolutely loves kids, other animals, and is very inquisitive. The speed at which she learns commands and executes them is astonishing. Dixie is a wonderful dog, but an amazing service animal. When she dons her service vest, it is like she turns into superwoman. She knows it is time to work, and calms down immediately, and knows exactly what to do, how to behave, and what I need. Dixie has become a part of our family. She is the perfect service animal, but an even better companion. Dixie is, by far, the most well behaved and intelligent dog I have ever known.

— Tim

My name is Tony, I am a U.S. Navy Veteran. Back in 2018, my VA doctor prescribed a dog for me. Then I received written permission from the Housing Authority to have a dog in my residence.

After about a year of jumping through hoops, I had pretty much given up hope of getting a dog. Then I was introduced to Pamela Braach of Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans. 

Pam went way out of her way to get me a dog, even driving to Idaho to pick him up for me. I received my dog on December 26, 2018. He is the best Christmas present I have ever received. 

I don’t know how it happened, but my dog “Lucca” turned out to be the best fit ever. He is a God send and has helped me so much and makes me so happy. I believe I make him happy too. 

Thank you forever, Pam.

— Tony

I am 73-year-old, US Army Infantry, Vietnam Veteran. In 1967 I was wounded by an enemy hand grenade. My life took a turn then. I reasoned that it might be a good start to get a puppy the breeder thought would make a good service dog. Next, I had to find a reputable service dog trainer, which is hard enough to do,
but I also wanted a trainer that was familiar with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Oh yes, I forgot to tell you I am rated 100% disabled with 30% of that for PTSD. The only things I have scored high on in my life are the PTSD tests. Pam Braach and I met in Philipsburg at Benefit for her foundation. Pam raises her own German Shepherds, trains them as PTSD service dogs, and then donates the dogs to veterans afflicted with PTSD. Wow, I’m thinking this lady is superhuman!

Gracie has changed my life. I was in a downward spiral before her – depressed and occasionally suicidal. Gracie has pulled me up and has been my best friend and confident as well as helping me with my daily life. I am forever grateful for her and the program that trained and provided her. I highly recommend this program to other veterans in need.

Since Sage has come into our lives, things have changed for the better. She and John have such a strong bond and are inseperable. They are best friends and she makes John so happy and feel so loved. He is so much happier with her in his life, and he’s so comforted by her. The benefit of the services that Sage provides her veteran are immeasurable.

When I was first approached about the potential for a service animal, I anticipated it would provide support during my treatment for my service connected disabilities. However, I was shocked to learn that the service animal was an essential part of my treatment. Upon receiving her, she was trained to provide immediate assistance for my most troubling disability. This was extremely helpful as it allowed me to attend public functions without being overwhelmed. The most amazing aspect with the Braach trained service animal is that she was so trainable! I was able to train her, with Braach’s assistance, to perform multiple tasks designed to alleviate other disability related limitations. She has the most perfect temperment, is so intelligent, and is naturally aware of my needs, even before I realize I am in need. Without the skillful selection and training conducted by the Braach’s, I would not have seen the positive personal changes I have experienced since being placed with my service animal. She has been a literal life changer!

As a result of the Braach Shepherd 4 Veterans training and time spent bonding with each other, Bill’s service dog, Rose, is EXTREMELY tuned in to his emotional levels. Her attentiveness has helped Bill feel more comfortable in crowded situations like at the hardware store or in a restaurant. Rose knows the “watch my back” command and protects Bill. If someone gets too close or pushy she nudges or bumps him as an alert. He knows Rose is there which is soothing for him. At home she is always with Bill. Just now, as Bill was filling out this form he cussed at the way the form lost his typed answers. Rose rushed up to him, put her face up to his… the entire situation instantly became one of joy. This is a HUGE change for him. Also, Rose helps Bill up the stairs. He braces on her as they take the steps, one by one. Rose is quite a dog. She certainly has made Bill’s life much better, both emotionally and physically. Thank you, Pam, for a much calmer household. 


2021 Mount Marston Biker Rally
2021 ATV Fun Run Fundraising Event
2020 Mount Marston Biker Rally


Training Dogs for Veterans
From the bottom of our hearts

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